Looking for a fun night out in Frederick? We’re excited to announce the Troyce Gatewood & Partners Fall Movie Nights at the Frederick Fairgrounds. You can join us, drive-in style, in our hometown to catch a film or two under the fall night sky.
We welcome you to your personal parking spots in front of the silver screen for this 6-week series at the Frederick Fairgrounds. There will be food and drinks available for purchase from our favorite local food trucks and restaurants.
TGP Fall Movie Nights Movie Selection
Whether it be a family favorite or a nostalgic gem from your childhood, there’s a movie for everyone. Here are a few of our favorites:
- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
- Despicable Me
- Shrek
- American Graffiti
- Jumanji
- Star Wars (Rogue One)
The 2:00 pm showings are just as easy to see as the 7:00 pm ones. That’s because Showtime Sound uses high output and high-resolution LED walls. Picture what you would see at a large outdoor concert or at a football stadium during the day. It’s very bright! (So, don’t let that be a factor in choosing which movies to see.)
Every evening show is a double feature. If you want to get the most bang for your buck, go ahead and stick around for both movies! You can exit between movies if you prefer to head out.
“It is because of all of you who have entrusted us to help you with your real estate needs, that we have made Troyce Gatewood & Partners Fall Movie Nights a reality.” – Joe Gatewood
Tickets are $25-$35 per vehicle. A perfect price for a date night or for a family adventure. As an extra bonus, you are giving back to the community every time you purchase a ticket. One dollar from every ticket is being donated to the Unity Campaign of Frederick County. Their mission is to raise money to help the non-profits that strengthen our community. [Read: Everything You Need to Know About the Unity Campaign]
More movies and dates are to be announced, so stay tuned. Follow the Facebook page and select “see first” so that you don’t miss an update.
To purchase tickets, visit TGPMovieNights.com. We look forward to seeing you at the movies!