Time to Sell? 5 Signs That May Tell You It’s Time to Sell Your House

Troyce Gatewood

Selling your home is a big decision that requires careful consideration. It can be hard to decide to let go of your home and put it up for sale and choosing when the best time to do that can feel like quite a daunting task.

​​​​​​​Here are some factors to consider while making this big decision.

Time to Sell? 5 Signs That May Tell You It’s Time to Sell Your House

Your family is growing- or shrinking

Are you welcoming more children to the family? Or sending children off to college? If you’re feeling too cramped in your home or have more space than needed, it’s a good idea to think about selling.

Prices have gone up in your neighborhood

If you have seen houses similar to yours in your neighborhood sell quickly and at good prices then there is a good chance yours can too! This also means that the market is strong and it is a good time to be a seller.

Interest rates are low

If interest rates are low, which they currently are, this is good for you as a seller because that means more people are open to buying. Also, this makes affording your next home more manageable.

Remodeling won’t offer a return on your investment

It is a hassle to go through a home remodel, and sometimes you won’t get any money back on your investment. Because of this, it is easier and less risky to sell your house without a remodel if you are happy with the market value.

You’re starting to consider schools for your kids

​​​​​​When looking at schools for your kids, public or private, relocating might be necessary. Since your children’s education is so important this often plays a big factor in a family’s decision to move.

​​​​​​​Thinking about selling? Check out our awesome home valuation app and then give us a call –Troyce Gatewood & Partners are always happy to advise potential clients.


We focus on every detail to help sell your home. Together we are here for you to make the process of selling a house an enjoyable experience.

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